Learning Through Discomfort

George Couros came to DC Everest to inspire us; more importantly, he came to challenge us not just to do new, but to do better and to reflect about what it means to innovate and make learning meaningful for our students.

A key takeaway – for me – is that it is not enough to just do “new” to innovate; we must do “new” and better.


One element George stressed again and again in his conversation with our leadership team is that digital portfolios can become a powerful means to provide evidence for our learning and effectiveness.  I spent part of this summer struggling with a re-boot of my blog, and now I know why:


George gave me that compelling reason this morning.

As a result of my learning this morning, I developed an action plan to do better for students and staff:


I just talked with one of the teachers I will evaluate this year, and he agreed to take this leap of faith and use a blog as a digital portfolio to show evidence of his effectiveness and of student learning.

All this because of a day spent learning through discomfort.